Open for Business
I have seen so many creative
open for business signs.
Looking at them has made me wonder
if I am open for business.
Am I open for what the Ultimate has for me.
Am I open minded or
am I closed to new ideas and opportunities.
Do my fears,
keep me from receiving my blessings?
Do my doubts,
keep me from believing that an opportunity is really for me?
Why do I put up my closed sign
when the Ultimate is asking me to be
open for business.?
Perhaps this is my season
to be open
and receptive
and be open to all
that was intended for me to have
and to release the doubts that
I am not worthy.
I need to be open
to all the Ultimate has in store
and help others find the courage
to stay open for business as well.
100% of God our donations go to support our ability to provide low and no cost offerings to those seeking to grow and evolve spiritually.