Beyond Acceptance
The thing I love most about my friends
are those things that make them unique.
I love those idiosyncrasies that just make them who they are.
It’s not that I accept them for who they are,
I just love them unconditionally.
I struggle with acceptance,
because it suggests there is something I need to accept.
I need to accept your idiosyncrasies
or other things that make you who you are.
Acceptance may help us build bridges
but when I love you unconditionally,
it means I love you for who you are.
We are friends because we know how to put up with each other
in good times and bad,
We are friends because we are not
make up kings or queens with each other.
Our friendship is real because we
grow with each other
love each other,
and celebrate each other
just as we are.
There is nothing to accept
because our friendship is based on unconditional love.
We never ask or suggest that
we be something other then who we are.
I love you with all your idiosyncrasies
just like you love me with mine.
There is nothing to accept,
but so much to celebrate.
So thank you for being you
and letting me love you just as you are.
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