When I saw this picture it brought me back to a conversation we had last night with Jack Stephens, author or Soul Self: How to Tame Your Mind, Uncover Your Blueprint and Live Your Soul Purpose. We were talking about how we are all on our own journeys and how we are all at different places in our journey at different times. We are not even at the same level of consciousness in our own lives. As we evolve, our own level of consciousness evolves. What this picture made me realize is that there are so many things about life, living, and my interactions with self and others that I need to remember.
Remember __________
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I woke up in the middle of the night last night feeling unsuccessful. I know that is a lie, so I had to begin the work of figuring out why that thought resurfaces so that I could pull it up by its roots and eliminate it. I came to realize that it has nothing to do with anyone else, it is all about me, and how I have defined success. If one were to look at my resume or CV, one might perceive me as successful. I have won national and international awards for my scholarship; I have a bachelor's degree, two master’s degrees, and a doctorate. I have a number of small businesses that I operate and teach part time at a local university. I have two furry feline sons, a wife of 12 years who loves me unconditionally, and a circle of friends who have journeyed with me through good times and bad.
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The other day someone asked me how I see their life. I found this a difficult question to answer. How I see their life is about me and has nothing to do with them. How I write my story is about me and would most likely be very different from how others would write the story of my life. Why? Simple, it is all about perspective. I would write the story of my life based on who I am at this very point in time and the perspective I have of my own life. Come back in 5 minutes or 5 years and the way I tell my story may be quite different. Why? This is because I may or may not have the same perspective.
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I have been thinking about this art interpretation thing since our love and inspiration gathering last Sunday when I shared my copy of La Confidance with the group. At some level, I think I wanted them to be as taken away and moved by this painting as I was. Their not being moved did not affect my experience of this painting or the memory of the first time I saw it. Rather, it reminded me of a chapter in don Miguel Ruiz’s book The Mastery of Love where he talks about this man who did not believe in love, who then thought he found it, and then became disillusioned when the woman of his dreams did not share the same exuberance about something he did.
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So I was checking in with my friend Angel today on FB and her status said, “People often forget that I am a Communication Major. The first rule of thumb is if you are going to tell a story get the facts straight otherwise it is considered gossip, slander and it is grounds for a law suit. You become a liability to your employer. Yep you guessed it, this post is a tease. "Is your lying tongue a liability?" Do you use your tongue as a tool for treachery or to teach? Are you a positive source of energy or a parasite that drains life?
That word parasite caught my attention, so I asked her if she had read my blog from last night, which was about parasites. “No, I didn’t, but I will.”
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