Loving my Enemies
My mother and my Bubby
taught me I should love my enemies.
Have you ever tried to do that?
Have you ever tried to love someone
you really do not like?
You know that person who hurt you so deeply
and so consistently that you didn’t even want to be
in the same room as them.
Then you are told to love them unconditionally.
I still remember the moment it hit me that
I am someone’s enemy
I am someone’s adversary.
Yet despite this,
I am the one the Ultimate has forgiven and transformed.
I am the one the Ultimate showered with grace
and helped heal.
I am the one.
If this was done for me as someone else’s adversary,
then shouldn’t I want this
for my enemies.
They too are the creations of the Ultimate.
If I can be transformed,
so can they.
The power of the Ultimate
is not just about loving me
but about showering that same
transformative and healing power
on my adversaries
because they too
are worthy of that loving grace.
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