I have lived
through some scary things in my life, but today I find myself pressing through
a fear unlike any I have ever known. I am not sure when it all began or that I can
even explain it. It started years ago, while I was at praise and worship
service at a friend’s church. They are a very energetically charged church
where people dance, run, jump, and “get their praise on.” I remember thinking,
as I was bouncing up and down, “gurl, you do not need to be doing this.” the
next morning; I woke up in pain and had trouble walking. I barely made it to
the doctor’s office and saw one of the doctors on staff who suggested I stay in
bed for a few days, alternating hot and cold packs on my back and taking some
pain relievers and muscle relaxers. Nothing seemed to help. Days turned into
weeks, which turned into months. Surgery was schedule and then cancelled.
Scared I would never walk or drive again, I asked my doctor what more I could
do. Acupuncture relaxed me and water walking seemed to help a little bit. Each
day, I was getting a bit stronger, but I was not 100%. One night, my neighbor
came down and said God had given her the gift of healing and was told to lay
hands on me. It was not that I fully trusted my neighbor, I didn’t. After all,
she was the one who would have prayer vigils with others praying that God would
cure me of my sexuality. She was just starting when my friend Steve came by and
he got swept up by the power of the Spirit in the room and began speaking in
tongues, something I had never heard him do. As she prayed over me, I could
feel this energy flowing out of me and this new energy flowing through me. Without
even thinking about anything, I hopped up out of bed without my walker and went
to the bathroom. It was not until I was on the toilet that I realized I had
walked unassisted.
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