So my time working through Denise Linn’s book is over. I have not been led to another place, so for now, I am just going to write her as I feel led to. It will continue to be my private space to write about what is going on within my soul. For now, all I know is this; my goal is that I strive each day to be filled with the love and light of the Infinite Presence and to share that with all that I meet on a daily basis. So for now, be blessed and know you are were created in the image of the Creator who is love, that you are love, and are loved. Be blessed.
My Earth Goals
During Earth week, I will be working on the following goals:
- Becoming more connected to my body.
- Attending to my health.
- Detoxifying my body.
- Understanding how to use my body’s physiology.
- Connecting more fully with nature.
- Creating a home for my soul.
- Taking action for a positive future.
My Fire Goals
While I am working through the exercises for this week on fire, my goals will be:
- to meditate on my inner light
- to have fun
- to step into a deeper level of trust and faith
- to listen to my intuition and any inner voices urging me in new directions
- to change some of my routines and habits
- to take risks
- to spend more time being creative
- to examine my fears
- to spend time with my spiritual partners
- to move out of the shadows and into the light
My Water Goals
As this week is about emotional cleansing, these are my water goals for this week:
- Continue to explore my emotional life
- Continue to cleanse and declutter my home and office
- Evaluate my relationships
- Speak my truth in love
- Connect with my inner child and take time to play
- Embrace my childlike wonder.
- Examine childhood issues
- Explore my dreams
- Follow my intuition
- Allows the water in the shower to cleanse my body and my spirit
- Check my plumbing and fix any leaks
- Experience the spirit of water
- Drink at least 64 ounces of water each day to flush toxins out of my system
My Process Journal
My Daily Affirmations
April 1, 2011 -- My evaluation of myself is not who I am.
I honor my commitments to myself and to others.
There is clarity within me and around me.
I love and accept who I am and who I am is enough.
Fresh, invigorating energy fills my life.
I am safe and centered no matter where I am.
Who I am is enough
I unconditionally accept my feelings and what I feel is not who I am.
My life experiences have powerful, positive meaning.
I am moving into harmony with everyone and everything in my universe.
I am loved and loveable. I love deeply and fully and am loved deeply and fully.
In the center of my being, there is always stillness and peace.
My life is blessed, and I am so grateful.
Who I am is enough, just as I am.
I am safe.
I am free to experience joy in every moment of my life, no matter what is happening in my life.
I unconditionally accept all parts of myself.
I invite the pure light of sun into my heart. May it shine from my heart to the world.
I live in the present moment with courage and love.
I am a loving spiritual being.
Incredible creative life forces flow through my entire being.
I am one with my earth, I am one with my body.
MY mind, body, and spirit are clear channels for love, kindness, and the Infinite Presence.
My body is incredibly strong and healthy.
I am in harmony with the natural rhythm of life.
I am at home, no matter where I am.
My future is filled with love, joy, and peace.
I give love deeply and fully. I receive love deeply and fully. My essence is love.
Air Goals
As this week is focused on clearing out mental debris and clutter and focusing on the air that I breathe in, my goals for this week are as follows:
- To assess and evaluate my life
- To clear out the clutter in my home
- To make commitments that empower me
- To do things I have been putting off or make a plan to do them
- To organize my home and office space
- To examine my beliefs
- To breathe before speaking
- To listen to inspirational music and become aware of the sounds in my home
- To use my voice
- To speak my truth