Good morning and welcome to a new day! Happy Valentine’s Day. Have I told you yet how much I love you? Hmm. it feels good to be able to say that, smile, and feel the love radiating through my body. Oh, how far I have come. I can remember a time when I did not love myself, at least not completely, and definitely not unconditionally. I can remember a time when my sense of self was depending on others telling me I was ok. I can remember when I felt as if I needed to be with someone to feel lovable. I learned, however, that feeling lovable is not the same as being loved and that nobody can make me feel loved. I am the only one who can make me feel the way I am feeling about me at this time in my life. Happy Valentine’s Day to me.
Read moreI have the power!
I have been thinking about how, as I wrote about last week, the changes, which are occurring in my life, are happening for me, not to me. While I am clearly experiencing some physical changes in my life, most of these changes as well as the others I have been experiencing are about changes that are happening internally. They are changes, which are happening in my belief system.
What I believe is what I have chosen to believe. My beliefs live within me and have power in my life because I have given them that power. Understanding they can only continue to exist if I continue to feed them is powerful. It means I also have the power to evict them from my heart and edit them out of my belief system.
Read moreFor me, not to me
Over the last few weeks, Zoe and I have experienced a few changes in our lives. Changes in the way our office is structured and organized, loss of a family member, change in eating choices, and other changes which have affected us, to varying degrees, emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. Some of the changes we knew were coming, others seemed to occur with little notice and others seemed to manifest out of thin air. Whether we believe the change is for the better or the worse, we cannot avoid change. It is part of our existence as human beings.
As I think back over all the changes, which have occurred over my life, I have come to realize that there were some changes I was more aware of then others. I am not aware every time a cell in my body is changing. I am not aware every time blood is flowing through my veins. I am not aware of all the things my body seems to do for me until there is a change in how it is or has been doing it, then I become aware.
Read moreTaking a vacation
I am taking a vacation from blogging this week to do some intense spiritual work on myself. Be back next week.
The Simple Questions
Sometimes the simple questions provoke the deepest of thinking. I was at the funeral for Zoe’s Aunt Neeny this past week and had a chance to talk to one of her family members (well actually the husband of her cousin). We have had virtually no chance to talk at all the last 8 years, so I think what happened between us was powerful for both of us. It all started with a comment about our favorite television channels (foodnetwork and the cooking channel). This led to me talking about The Zenful Kitchen and to a broader discussion of faith and spirituality. He seemed interested in knowing more about Inspiritual and I am ALWAYS willing to share the work we are doing here. I guess it is my form of evangelism – lol.
Read moreI can whip any problem
I am so grateful for the Bitstrip image I created a few days ago that said, “When a problem comes along Sharon must whip it.” I wrote on the cartoon, “I can whip any problem.” This turned out to be so true this week. Each day this week has been an opportunity for me to put on my Wonder Woman outfit and walk in the fullness of my strength and courage. Some of the challenges were little things, like my Facebook page for Inspiritual disappearing for a few hours. Other things were a bit more challenging, such as learning how to be patient with Zoe’s family as they worked out the details for her Aunt Neeny’s funeral, then reworked them after the snowstorm, which closed down the cemetery. Then there were the little things like figuring out accessibility issues for me once we arrive in Long Island. In the midst of it all, my inner Wonder Woman showed up and showed out.
Read moreEvolving, Not Revolving
Dear Universal Consciousness,
I just wanted to thank you for reminding me what a difference an R can make. It made me think about the story I was once told about how the difference between evolving and revolving is an R. if I keep doing or believing the same thing repeatedly, then I am not evolving. It is as if I am trapped in one of those revolving doors, which I have often seen in a department store. I am just revolving through life and not evolving.
It is reassuring to remember that I do not have to believe in or agree to the same things for my entire life. As I grow and evolve, what I believe should also change. What I believe is in my mind. They only have power over me as long as I agree that they are true and give them power in my life. When I realize they no longer need to reside in my mind, I can say to them, “you are no longer true” and release them from my Book of Law.
Read moreWorking on Healing
When I did not, there were times that I found myself falling into the trap of being a time traveler. I would be sucked into the past and the distorted version that I had created out of my wounds. Other times, I would be sucked into the future and begin creating a distorted version of what might happen. In either case, I was not living in the present and thus not even experiencing the present moment because I was mentally, emotionally, and spiritually in another time zone.
I wanted to thank you for teaching me how to take it to the next level. So now, when I find myself reacting emotionally, I just stop and say this is what I am feeling and this is my truth. I am reacting to my truth and opening the door to my healing. I then do the healing work and then do something to celebrate the work I have done. We all have to be paid for our hard work J
Read moreHow can I be of service?
I cannot remember when I began this ritual, so I know it has been part of my life for a while at least since the early 1990’s. Growing up, my parents always taught me how important it was to perform acts of kindness for others, to do good in the world, and to work to make this world a better place. I think it was when I was when I was a part of the Mormon Church for a while and heard this song for the first time. They lyrics to the song became a ritual for me.
Read moreHave I done any good in the world today?
Have I helped anyone in need?
Have I cheered up the sad and made someone feel glad?
If not, I have failed indeed.
Has anyone’s burden been lighter today
Because I was willing to share?
Have the sick and the weary been helped on their way?
When they needed my help was I there?
When life gets difficult, I __________
I was having a conversation with a friend recently about what I do when life gets difficult. I would like to be able to say that life is never difficult and there are never any obstacles placed in front of me, but I would be lying. At the same time, it struck me that I have never consciously thought about what I do and how do I move through. What do I do to keep myself grounded and focused when life happens, which it is bound to do?
What I am coming to understand and remember is that things are what they appear to be at that moment and it is my attitude, which determines how I move through and view the situation.
Read moreSeriously, Duck Dynasty?
Seriously, I know that the Ultimate works in mysterious ways, but Duck Dynasty. If anybody had told me a year ago, I would have had the spiritual reaction that I did while watching a Duck Dynasty marathon on A and E, I would have called them a liar. Seriously, Duck Dynasty? I remember when I first saw the ads about a year ago. Nothing in them screamed – watch me. Last night, I was sitting with our housemate while he was resting his back and somehow I was sucked into this mix of honesty and humor with an underlying thread of spirituality.
As I have been thinking about what it was about the episodes I watched that I appreciated, I think it was the ability to trust their intuition, to capitalize on each other’s gifts, and to create something beautiful out of what others could not appreciate.
Read moreRemember
When I saw this picture it brought me back to a conversation we had last night with Jack Stephens, author or Soul Self: How to Tame Your Mind, Uncover Your Blueprint and Live Your Soul Purpose. We were talking about how we are all on our own journeys and how we are all at different places in our journey at different times. We are not even at the same level of consciousness in our own lives. As we evolve, our own level of consciousness evolves. What this picture made me realize is that there are so many things about life, living, and my interactions with self and others that I need to remember.
Remember __________
Read moreI am successful.
I woke up in the middle of the night last night feeling unsuccessful. I know that is a lie, so I had to begin the work of figuring out why that thought resurfaces so that I could pull it up by its roots and eliminate it. I came to realize that it has nothing to do with anyone else, it is all about me, and how I have defined success. If one were to look at my resume or CV, one might perceive me as successful. I have won national and international awards for my scholarship; I have a bachelor's degree, two master’s degrees, and a doctorate. I have a number of small businesses that I operate and teach part time at a local university. I have two furry feline sons, a wife of 12 years who loves me unconditionally, and a circle of friends who have journeyed with me through good times and bad.
Read more It is an Ongoing Adventure.
There have been moments in my life when I wish I could wake up and be completely free from the Dream of the Planet. Moments when I did not have to work at being aware of what I was thinking and why and what I was working on hooking myself from in my life. The reality is that "The practice of awareness is a lifelong adventure.” [1]
Everywhere I go in my life, I encounter the Dream of the Planet, and it challenges me to maintain my awareness. Maybe that is one of the reasons I enjoy working at home, it limits the challenges I have to face being out in the world each day. I do not have to work as hard to navigate all the illusions that I encounter in life or the conditions placed on me by others.
Read moreDoubt and Truth
Once again, the answer to my prayers is found in my Toltec Wisdom cards. I have been struggling for a few months about why I have felt the need to pull away from a few people in my life. I can’t say it was anything they did or even anything they said. I cannot even say it had anything to do with what others had said about them. The feelings began shortly after having met them.
There were a few things which happened which made me go hmm. I kept trying to asking myself if I was projecting something on to the situation. I kept asking myself if I was allowing the experiences of others to shape my reality. Even when I allowed the external to wash over and off me, I found myself with this feeling as if Spirit was telling me to back away from this relationship. I felt as if I were to pray for them and envision myself sending them healing energies. At the same time, I know I am not supposed to have anything else to do with them.
Read moreMy life is worth something!
I so love how the universe works. I was just talking to a friend and reminding her that her life is of value. I talked with her about how if she focuses on that understanding it will help her move out of her depression. She has told herself that her life is worth nothing so often that she now believes it. I can remember a time when people told me my life was worth nothing. I am so grateful part of me never agreed with them, or at least did not agree with them long enough for it to take root and push out all the light in my life and heart.
My life is worth something. This was the affirmation I read this morning from don Miguel Ruiz Jr’s new book Living a Life of Awareness: Daily Meditations on the Toltec Path. He wrote,
Read moreDestiny, Wisdom, and Nonjudgmental
This past Wednesday I had the last of my four Reiki 1 classes and as with last week, it began with my teacher asking me to close my eyes and pick three cards. The three that I picked were Destiny, Wisdom, and Nonjudgmental. As with last week, she smiled and she said yes those are you; read the backs if you would like. You just need to walk in the fullness of them
Wisdom – Treat everyone and everything with loving compassion. When you see no difference between the sacred and the profane, the saint and the sinner. That is the ultimate wisdom.
Destiny – You can look . . . and you will find it. You can not look . . . and you will find it. That which is yours will surely come to you.
Nonjudgmental – To straighten what is crooked, you must first straighten yourself. Once you are aligned, the whole world looks different.
Read moreClose your eyes and ___________
Wednesday was the 3rd of what will now be four lessons for Reiki 1. So after a celebratory birthday lunch for my teacher (I made “fried” chicken, collard greens, “mac” and cheese, and biscuits), we began our lesson. After blessing and sanctifying the space, she said close your eyes and using your left hand (not my dominant hand), hover your hand over this deck of Zen cards and pick three. The three that I picked were Compassion, Wisdom, and Community. We laughed and she said yes those are you; read the backs if you would like.
Read moreA Spinal Journey
This last week I was reminded why it is so important to have someone to ask you questions, which hold a mirror up to your life in a new way. It wasn’t even that it was a question; it was more of an assignment. It wasn’t even the assignment; it was me and what I saw and came to understand about my life. I came to realize that my spinal problems all began during the time in my life when my support system began to disappear and the less supported I felt, the more problems I began to experience with my back and knees.
Read moreI am Interesting!
Recently, a fellow blogger, Ariffa, nominated me for The Versatile Blogger award. It was not like it was one of those big deal awards. It was one of those ways of getting to know other bloggers and to allow other bloggers to get to know you. It was a simple process. You had to list fifteen bloggers that you follow with links to their websites (that was the easier part for me). Then you had to list seven things about you that were interesting. This is where I found myself being stuck. I realized as I stared at this blank screen that I did not think I, or my life, was interesting. The two things I wrote down were not things that I found interesting or thought other people would find interesting, but maybe different or unique. That was that I had six parents (birth, foster, and adoptive) and that I used to say I was part Vulcan as my left ear has a slight point to it. Neither of which seems to fit the definition of interesting, or so I thought. According to the dictionary interesting means, “arousing curiosity or interest; holding or catching the attention.” The only thing I could think of is that sometimes I am able to arouse the curiosity and interest of my students through the material I share with them in the classroom.
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